Machine Liker

Welcome to EgLiker!

EgLiker is an exchange system (a.k.a Facebook Auto Liker, Auto Commenter & Auto Follower) which gives free Facebook likes, comments & followers to your public posts and profile without any cost. Machine Liker is spam free and one of the best auto liker website available.

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Instant Likes

You can increase your Facebook status, photo and video likes by using our auto liker. Our website also helps you get tons of comments on your public Facebook posts without any cost.

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Absolutely Free

You can use any of our auto liker service with no exchange of money. Machine Liker has been offering a free service since years, you can delete your account anytime by contacting us. You do not have to pay to get likes, comments, reactions etc.

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Safe & Secure

Any information you enter here is highly secure & safe in our auto liker. You can rest assured, no picture of disclosure, no selling of your data, no logging unwanted data. No need to take the trouble of deleting unwanted posts.

Login Method For Machine Liker

The login method is by using your Facebook Account

Go to Public Posts in your Facebook account settings and set "Who Can Follow Me" to "Public".
The minimum age required to access is 18, to change your date of brith, go to Facebook About section and then "Basic Information".

After enabling Followers on your account, set "Public Post Comments (Who can comment on your public posts?)" to "Public".

Now set "Public Profile Info (Who can like or comment on your public profile pictures and other profile info?)" to "Public".

Important! You have to follow all the above steps carefully else you'll not be able to get reactions or followers on your Facebook posts and profile.

Click On The Login With Facebook Button To Continue.


Before logging in with your Facebook account, you must read our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

No your account will not get locked if you log in to Machine Liker. However in some cases Facebook locks some account. To protect your account from getting locked, make sure you've already logged in to your Facebook account on the same browser on which your are using Machine Liker. Make sure your account has a verfied mobile number added to it. If you don't want to risk your main account then you can create a new fake account by getting an US mobile number from "TextNow" or "2ndLine" app and use that account on Machine Liker.

Copyright © 2012-2022 Machine Liker. All Rights Reserved.

Made With  In India.